


Stone, K.P., Ghosh, S., Kovalik, J.P., Orgeron, M., Wanders, D., Sims, L.C. and Gettys, T.W. The acute transcriptional responses to dietary methionine restriction are triggered by inhibition of ternary complex formation and linked to Erk1/2, mTOR and ATF4. Scientific Reports, 11, 1, 1-16, 2021.


Mia, M.M., Cibi, D.M., Ghani, S., Song, W., Tee, N., Ghosh, S., Mao, J., Olson, E.N., and Singh, M.K. YAP/TAZ deficiency reprograms macrophage phenotypeand improves infarct healing and cardiac function after myocardial infarction. PLoS Biology, 18, e3000941 (2020)

Guo, A.K., Itahana, Y., Seshachalam, V.P., Chow, H.Y., Ghosh, S. and Itahana, K. Mutant TP53 interacts with BCAR1 to contribute to cancer cell invasion. British Journal of Cancer, 124, 299-312 (2020) (2020)

Cibi, D.M., Bi-Lin, K.W., Shekheran, S.G., Sandireddy, R., Tee, N., Singh, A., Wu, Y., Srinivasan, D.K., Kovalik, J.P., Ghosh, S., Seale, P., Singh, M.K. Prdm16 deficiency leads to age-dependent cardiac hypertrophy, adverse remodeling, mitochondrial dysfunction and heart failure. Cell Reports, 33(3), 108288 (2020)

Rajak, S., Iannucci, L.F., Zhou, J., Anjum, B., George, N., Singh, B.K., Ghosh, S., Yen, P.M., Sinha, R.A. Loss of ULK1 attenuates cholesterogenic gene expression in mammalian hepatic cells. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8, 1052 (2020)

Thibonnier, M., Esau, C., Ghosh, S., Wargent, E., Stocker, C. Metabolic and energetic benefits of microRNA-22 inhibition. BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 2020;8:e001478. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001478

Zhou, Q., Fu, Z., Gong, Y., Seshachalam, V.P., Li, J., Ma, Y., Liang, H., Guan, W., Lin, S., Ghosh, S., Sun, L., and Zhou, H. Metabolic health status contributes to transcriptome alternation in human visceral adipose tissue during obesity. Obesity, 2020 Sep

Rajak S, Raza S, Tewari A, Yadav S, Ghosh S, Yen PM, Sinha RA. Autophagic protein ULK1 regulates FOXM1 signalling in human hepatoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Sep 5;. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.08.068.

Nikpay, M., Lau, P., Soubeyrand, S., Whytock, K.L., Beehler, K. Pileggi, C., Ghosh, S., Harper, M.E., Dent, R. and McPherson, R. SGCG rs679482 associates with weight loss success in response to an intensively supervised outpatient program. Diabetes, 2020 Jun db200219; DOI: 10.2337/db20-0219

Dantas WS, Roschel H, Murai IH, Gil S, Davuluri G, Axelrod CL, Ghosh S, Newman SS, Zhang H, Shinjo SK, Neves WD, Merege-Filho C, Teodoro WR, Capelozzi VL, Pereira RM, Benatti FB, de Sá-Pinto AL, de Cleva R, Santo MA, Kirwan JP, Gualano B. Exercise-Induced Increases in Insulin Sensitivity After Bariatric surgery are Mediated by Muscle Extracellular Matrix Remodeling. Diabetes. 2020 May 14;. doi: 10.2337/db19-1180.


Lim WK, Chai X, Ghosh S, Ray D, Wang M, Rasheed SAK, Casey PJ. Gα-13 induces CXC motif chemokine ligand 5 expression in prostate cancer cells by transactivating NF-κB. J Biol Chem. 2019 Nov 29;294(48):18192-18206.

Kundu P, Lee HU, Garcia-Perez I, Tay EXY, Kim H, Faylon LE, Martin KA, Purbojati R, Drautz-Moses DI, Ghosh S, Nicholson JK, Schuster S, Holmes E, Pettersson S. Neurogenesis and prolongevity signaling in young germ-free mice transplanted with the gut microbiota of old mice. Sci Transl Med. 2019 Nov 13;11(518).

Chan CYY, Low JZH, Gan ES, Ong EZ, Zhang SL, Tan HC, Chai X, Ghosh S, Ooi EE, Chan KR. Antibody-Dependent Dengue Virus Entry Modulates Cell Intrinsic Responses for Enhanced Infection. mSphere. 2019 Sep 18;4(5). doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00528-19

Cibi, D.M., Mia, M.M., Shekeran, S.G., Yun, L.S., Sandireddy, R., Gupta, P., Hota, M., Sun, L., Ghosh, S., and Singh, M.K. Neural-crest specific deletion of Rbfox2 in mice leads to craniofacial abnormalities including cleft palate. eLife, 8 (2019)

Sundaram, J.R., Wu, Y., Lee, I.C., George, S.E., Hota, M., Ghosh, S., Kesavapany, S., Ahmed, M., Tan, E.K., and Shenolikar, S. PromISR-6, a guanabenz analogue, improves cellular survival in an experimental model of Huntington’s disease. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 10, 3575-3589 (2019)

Mynatt, R.L., Noland, R.C., Elks, C.M., Vandanmagsar, B., Bayless, D.S., Stone, A.C., Ghosh, S., Ravussin, E., and Warfel, J.D. The RNA binding protein HuR influences skeletal muscle metabolic flexibility in rodents and humans. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental, 97, 40-49 (2019)

Ghosh, S., Wicks, S.E., Vandanmagsar, B., Mendoza, T.M., Bayless, D.S., Salbaum, J.M., Dearth, S.P., Campagna, S.R., Mynatt, R.L., and Noland, R.C. Extensive metabolic remodeling after limiting mitochondrial lipid burden is consistent with an improved metabolic health profile. J. Biol. Chem, doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.006074 (2019)

Castro A., Duft R.G., Ferreira M.L.V., Andrade A.L.L., Gaspari A.F., Silva L.M., Oliveira-Nunes S.G., Cavaglieri C.R., Ghosh S., Bouchard C., and Chacon-Mikahil M.P.T. Association of skeletal muscle and serum metabolites with maximum power output gains in response to continuous endurance or high-intensity interval training programs: The TIMES study – a randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2019;14(2):e0212115 (2019)

Tan, H.W.S., Anjum, B., Shen, H., Ghosh, S., Yen, P.M., and Sinha, R.A. Lysosomal inhibition attenuates peroxisomal gene transcription via suppression of PPARA and PPARGC1A levels. Autophagy, 15(8), 1455-1459 (2019)

Ghosh, S., Taylor, J.L., Mendoza, T.M., Dang, T., Burk, D.H., Yu, Y., Kilroy, G. and Floyd, E.Z. Siah2 modulates sex-dependent metabolic and inflammatory responses in adipose tissue to a high-fat diet challenge. Biology of Sex Differences, 10:19, (2019)

Reijnders, D., Olson, K., Liu, C., Beckers, K., Ghosh, S., Redmann, L. and Sones, J. Dyslipidemia and the role of the adipose tissue in early pregnancy in the BPH/5 mouse model for preeclampsia. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 317, R49-R58 (2019)

Yap, L., Wang, J., Moreno, A., Chong, L.Y., Sun, Y., Harmston, N., Wang, X., Chong, S.Y., Ohman, M.K., Wei, H., Bunte, R., Ghosh, S., Cook, S., Hovatta, O., de Kleijn, D.P.V., Petretto, E., and Tryggvason, K. In vivo generation of post-infarct human cardiac muscle by laminin-promoted cardiovascular progenitors. Cell Reports, 26, 3231-3245 (2019)

Yakala, G.K., Cabrera-Fuentes, H.A., Crespo-Avilian, G.E., Rattanasopa, C., Burlacu, A., George, B.L., Anand, K., Mayan, D.C., Corliano, M., Hernandez-Resendez, S., Wu, Z., Schwerk, A.M.K., Tan, A.J., Trigueros-Motos, L., Chevre, R., Chua, T., Kleeman, R., Liehn, E.A., Hausenloy, D.J., Ghosh, S. and Singaraja, R.R. FURIN inhibition reduces vascular remodeling and atherosclerotic lesion progression in mice. Arterioscleriosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology, 39(3), 387-401 (2019) [co-senior author]

Ghosh, S., M. Hota, X. Chai, J. Kiranya, P. Ghosh, Z. He, J. J. Ruiz-Ramie, M. A. Sarzynski, and C. Bouchard. Exploring the Underlying Biology of Intrinsic Cardiorespiratory Fitness through Integrative Analysis of Genomic Variants and Muscle Gene Expression Profiling. J Appl Physiol.,126,1292-1314 (2019)


Poon, Z., Dighe, N., Venkatesan, S., Cheung, A., Fan, X., Bari, S., Hota, M., Ghosh, S., and Hwang, W. Bone-marrow MSCs in MDS: contribution towards dysfunctional hematopoiesis and potential targets for disease response to hypomethylating therapy. Leukemia  (Dec 21 2018).

Chakraborty, S., Jiang, C., Ding, Z., Vollmer, L., Joy, M., Scheimann, W., Beer-Stolz, D., Vogt, A., Ghosh, S. and Roy, P. Profilin-1 deficiency leads to SMAD3 upregulation and impaired outgrowth of breast cancer cells. British Journal of Cancer, 119, 1106-1117 (2018)

Wilkins, J., Ghosh, P., Vivar, J., Chakraborty, B., and Ghosh, S. Exploring the associations between systemic inflammation, obesity and healthy days: a health related quality of life (HRQOL) analysis of NHANES 2005-2008. BMC Obesity, 5:21(2018)

Gurley, S., Ghosh, S., Stacy, J., Azushima, K., Sakban, R., George, S., Maeda, M., Meyer, T., and Coffman, T. Inflammation and immunity pathways regulate genetic susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes, 67, 2096-2106 (2018)

Chan, J.P., Wong, B.H., Chin, C.F., Galam, D.L.A., Foo, J.C., Wong, L.C., Ghosh, S., Wenk, M.R., Cazenave-Gassiot, A., and Silver, D. The lysolipid transporter Mfsd2a regulates lipogenesis in the developing brain. PLoS Biology, (2018)

Singh, B.K., Sinha, R.A., Tripathy, M., Mendoza, A., Ohba, K., Sy, J.A.C., Xie, S.Y., Zhou, J., Ho, J.P., Chang, C., Wu, Y., Giguere, V., Bay, B.H., Vanacker, J.M., Ghosh, S., Gauthier, K., Hollenberg, A.N., McDonnell, D.P., and Yen, P. Thyroid hormone receptor and ERRa coordinately regulate mitochondrial fission, mitophagy, biogenesis and function. Science Signaling, 11, 536, 5855 (2018)

Chang, J.S., Ghosh, S., Newman, S., and Salbaum, J.M. A map of the PGC-1a and NT-PGC-1a regulated transcriptional network in brown adipose tissue. Scientific Reports, 8, 7876 (2018)

Yan, T., Ooi, W.F., Qamra, A., Cheung, A., Ma, D., Sundaram, G.M., Xu, C., Xing, M., Poon, L., Wang, J., Loh, Y.P., Ho, J.H.J., Ng, J.J.Q., Ramlee, M.K., Aswad, L., Rozen, S.G., Ghosh, S., Bard, F., Sampath, P., Tergaonkar, V., Davies, J.O.J., Hughes, J.R., Goh, E., Bi, X., Fullwood, M.J., Tan, P., and Li. S. HoxC5 and miR-615-3p target newly evolving genomic regions to repress hTERT and inhibit tumorigenesis. Nature Communications, 9, 100 (2018)

Gan, E.S., Cheong, W.F., Chan, K.R., Ong, E., Chai, X., Tan, H.C., Ghosh, S., Wenk, M., Ooi, E.E. Hypoxia enhances antibody-dependent dengue. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95, 5, 234-23 (2018)

Sigmundsson, K., Ojala, J.R.M., Ohman, M.K., Osterholm, A.M., Moreno-Moral, A., Domogatskaya, A., Chong, L.Y., Sun, Y., Chai, X., Steele, J.A.M., George, B., Pattaroya, M., Nilsson, A.S., Rodin, S., Ghosh, S., Stevens, M.M., Petretto, E., and Tryggvason, K. Culturing functional pancreatic islets on a5-laminins and curative transplantation to diabetic mice. Matrix Biology (2018)


Kitagawa, M., Liao, P.J., Lee, K.H., Wong, J., See, C.S., Minami, N., Sampetrean, O., Saya, H., Dai, L., Prabhu, N., Go, K.D., Sobota, R., Larsson, A., Nordlund, P., McCormick, F., Ghosh, S., Epstein, D., Dymock, B., and Lee, S.H. Dual blockade of the lipid kinase PIP4Ks and mitotic pathways leads to cancer-selective lethality. Nature Communications, 8, 2200 (2017)

Clark, K., Ricciadi, S., Pearson, T., Bharudin, I., Davidsen, P.K., Bonomo, M., Brina, D., Simpson D.M., Beynon, R.J., Khanim, F., Ankers, J., Sarzynski, M.A., Ghosh, S., Pisconti, A., Rozman, J., Hrabe de Angelis, M., Bunce, C., Stewart, C., Egginton, S., Caddick, M., Jackson, M., Bouchard, C., Biffo, S., and Falciani, F. The role of eIF6 in skeletal muscle homeostasis revealed by endurance training co-expression networks. Cell Reports, 21, 1507-1520 (2017)

Ghosh, S., and Bouchard, C. Convergence between biological, behavioural and genetic determinants of obesity. Nature Reviews Genetics, 18, 731-748, doi:10.1038/nrg.2017.72 (2017)

Chan, C.Y.Y., Chan, K.R., Chua, C.J.H., Hazirah, S.N., Ghosh, S., Ooi, E.E., and Low. J.G. Early molecular correlates of adverse events following yellow fever vaccination. JCI Insight, doi:10.1172/jci.insight.96031 (2017)

Leung, H.W., Foo, G., Banumurthy, G., Chai, X., Ghosh, S., Mitra-Ganguli, T., and VanDongen, A.M.J. The effect of Bacopa monnieri on gene expression levels in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. PLOS One, 12(8): e0182984, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182984 (2017)

Bai, Z., Chai, X., Yoon, M.J., Kim, H.J., Lo, K.A., Zhang, Z., Xu, D., Siang, D.T.C., Walet, A.C.E., Xu, S., Chia, S.Y., Chen, P., Yang, H., Ghosh, S., and Sun, L. Dynamic transcriptome changes during adipose tissue energy expenditure reveal critical roles for long noncoding RNA regulators. PLOS Biology, 15(8):e2002176, doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2002176 (2017)

Cialdella-Kam, L., Ghosh, S., Meaney, M.P., Knab, A.M., Shanley, R.A., and Nieman, D.C. Quercetin and green tea supplementation downregulates genes related to tissue inflammatory responses to a 12-week high fat diet in mice. Nutrients, 9, 773, doi:10.3390/nu9070773 (2017)

Ghosh, S., Forney, L.A., Wanders, D., Stone, K.P., and Gettys, T.W. An integrative analysis of tissue-specific transcriptomic and metabolomics responses to short-term dietary methionine restriction in mice. PLoS One, (2017)

Gan, E.S., Cheong, W.F., Chan, K.R., Ong, E.Z., Chai, X., Tan, H.C., Ghosh, S., Wenk, M.R., and Ooi, E.E. Hypoxia enhances antibody-dependent dengue virus infection. EMBO J., e201695642 DOI 10.15252/embj.201695642 (2017)

Ler, L.D., Ghosh, S., Chai, X., Thike, A.A., et al. Loss of tumor suppressor KDM6A amplifies PRC2-regulated transcriptional repression in bladder cancer and can be targeted through inhibition of EZH2. Science Translational Medicine, 9, doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aai8312 (2017)

Liu, J.J., Ghosh, S., Kovalik, J.P., Ching, J., Choi, H.W., Tavintharan, S., Ong, C.N., Sum, C.F., Summers, S.A., Tai, E.S., and Lim, S.C. Profiling of plasma metabolites suggests altered mitochondrial fuel usage and remodeling of sphingolipid metabolism in individuals with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. Kidney International Reports, (2017)


Warfel, J.D., Bermudez, E.M., Mendoza, T.M., Ghosh, S., Zhang, J., Elks, C.M., Mynatt, R., and Vandanmagsar, B. Mitochondrial fat oxidation is essential for lipid-induced inflammation in skeletal muscle in mice. Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep37941(2016)

Chan, K.R., Wang, X., Saron, W.A.A., Gan, E.S., Tan, H.C., Mok, D.Z.L., Zhang, S.L., Lee, Y.H., Liang, C., Wijaya, L., Ghosh, S., Cheung, Y.B., Tannenbaum, S.R., Abraham, S.N., St John, A.L., How, J.G.H., and Ooi, E.E. Cross-reactive antibodies enhance live attenuated virus infection for increased immunogenicity. Nature Microbiology, doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.164 (2016)

Lim, A., Zhou, J., Sinha, R.A., Singh, B.K., Ghosh, S., Lim, K.H., Chow, K., Woon, E.C., and Yen, P.M. Hepatic FTO expression is increased in NASH and its silencing attenuates palmitic acid induced lipotoxicity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.09.086 (2016)

Liu, C.C., Ma, D.L., Yan, T.D., Fan, X., Poon, Z., Poon, L.F., Goh, S.A., Rozen, S.G., Ying Khee Hwang W., Tergaonkar, V., Tan, P., Ghosh, S., Virshup, D.M., Goh, E.L., and Li, S. Distinct Responses of stem Cells to Telomere Uncapping – a Potential Strategy to Improve the Safety Of Cell Therapy. Stem Cells doi: 10.1002/stem.2431(2016)

Sarzynski, M.A., Ghosh, S., and Bouchard, C. Genomic and Transcriptomic Predictors of Response Levels to Endurance Exercise Training. Journal of Physiology, doi: 10.1113/JP272559 (2016)

Ghosh, S., Kruger, C., Wicks, S., Simon, J., Kumar, G., Johnson, W.D., Mynatt, R.L., Noland, R.C., and Richards, B.K. Short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency and short-term high-fat diet perturb mitochondrial energy metabolism and transcriptional control of lipid-handling in liver. Nutrition and Metabolism, 13:17, doi:10.1186/s12986-016-0075-0 (2016)

Vandanmagsar, B., Warfel, J.D., Wicks, S.E., Ghosh, S., Salbaum, J.M., Burk, D., Dubuisson, O.S., Mendoza, T.M., Zhang, J., Noland, R.C., and Mynatt, R.L. Impaired Mitochondrial Fat Oxidation Induces FGF21 in Muscle. Cell Reports, pii: S2211-1247(16)30501-0. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.04.057 (2016)

Cialdella-Kam, L., Nieman, D.C., Knab, A.M., Shanely, R.A., Meaney, M.P., Jin, F., Sha, W. and Ghosh, S. A Mixed Flavonoid-Fish Oil Supplement Induces Immune-Enhancing and Anti-inflammatory Transcriptomic Changes in Adult Obese and Overweight Women – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients, 8, 277 doi:10.3390/nu8050277 (2016)

Maillet, A., Tan, K., Chai, X., Sadananda, S.N., Mehta, A., Ooi, J., Hayden, M.R., Pouladi, M.A., Ghosh, S., Shim, W., and Brunham, L.R. Modeling Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived-Cardiomyocytes. Scientific Reports, 6, 25333 doi:10.1038/srep25333 (2016)

Wong, B.H., Chan, J.P., Cazenave-Gassiot, A., Poh, R.W., Foo, J.C., Galam, D.L., Ghosh, S., Nguyen, L.N., Barathi, V.A., Yeo, S.W., Luu, C.D., Wenk, M.R., and Silver, D.L. Mfsd2a is a transporter for the essential omega-3 fatty acid DHA in eye and important for photoreceptor cell development. J. Biol. Chem., doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.721340 (2016)

Ohba, K., Leow, M.K.S., Singh, B.K., Sinha, R.A., Lesmana, R., Liao, X., Ghosh, S., Refetoff, S., Sng, J.C.G., and Yen, P.M. Desensitization and Incomplete Recovery of Hepatic Target Genes after Chronic Thyroid Hormone Treatment and Withdrawal in Male Adult Mice. Endocrinology, 157, 1660-1672 (2016) doi: 10.1210/en.2015-1848

Rankinen T, Fuku N, Wolfarth B, Wang G, Sarzynski MA, Alexeev DG, Ahmetov II, Boulay MR, Cieszczyk P, Eynon N, Filipenko ML, Garton FC, Generozov EV, Govorun VM, Houweling PJ, Kawahara T, Kostryukova ES, Kulemin NA, Larin AK, Maciejewska-Karłowska A, Miyachi M, Muniesa CA, Murakami H, Ospanova EA, Padmanabhan S, Pavlenko AV, Pyankova ON, Santiago C, Sawczuk M, Scott RA, Uyba VV, Yvert T, Perusse L, Ghosh S, Rauramaa R, North KN, Lucia A, Pitsiladis Y, Bouchard C. No evidence of a Common DNA Variant Profile Specific to World Class Endurance Athletes. PLoS One, 11, e0147330 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147330 (2016)

Sinha, R.A., Singh, B.K., Zhou, J., Xie, S., Farah, B.L., Lesmana, R., Ohba, K., Tripathi, M., Ghosh, S., Hollenberg, A.N. and Yen, P. Loss of ULK1 increases RPS6KB1-NCOR1 repression of NR1H/LXR-mediated Scd1 transcription and augments lipotoxicity in hepatic cells. Autophagy, DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1235123 (2016)

Singh, B.K., Sinha, R.A., Zhou, J., Tripathi, M., Ohba, K., Wang, M.E., Astapova, I., Ghosh, S., Hollenberg, A.N., Gauthier, K., and Yen, P.M. Hepatic FOXO1 target genes are co-regulated by thyroid hormone via RICTOR deacetylation and MTORC2-AKT inhibition. J. Biol. Chem., DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M115.668673 (2016)


Sung, Y.J., Perusse, L., Sarzynski, M., Fornage, M., Sidney, S., Sternfeld, B., Rice, T., Terry, J., Jacobs, D., Katzmarzyk, P., Curran, J., Carr, J., Blangero, J., Ghosh, S., Despres J.P., Rankinen, T., Rao, D.C.. and Bouchard, C. Genome-wide association studies suggest sex-specific loci associated with abdominal and visceral fat. International Journal of Obesity doi: 10.1038/ijo.2015.217 (2015)

Chen, L., Li, J., Guo, T., Ghosh, S., Koh, S.K., Tian, D., Zhang, L.,Jia, D., Beuerman, R., Aebersold, R., Chan, E., and Zhou, L. Global Metabonomic and Proteomic Analysis of Human Conjunctival Epithelial Cells (IOBA-NHC) in Response to Hyperosmotic Stress. Journal of Proteomic Research, 14, 3982-3995 (2015)

Lam, Y.Y., Ghosh, S., Civitarese, A.E., and Ravussin, E. Six-month calorie restriction in overweight individuals elicits transcriptomic response in subcutaneous adipose tissue that is distinct from effects of energy deficit. Journal of Gerontology:Biological Sciences pii: glv194 (2015)

Goh, V.J., Tan, J.S.Y., Tan, B.C., Seow, C., Ong, W.Y., Lim, Y.C., Sun, L., Ghosh, S.,and Silver D. Postnatal deletion of Fat storage-inducing Transmembrane Protein 2 (FIT2/FITM2) causes lethal enteropathy. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290,25686-25699 (2015)

Bari, S., Chu, P.P.Y., Lim, A., Fan, X., Bunte, R.M., Li, S., Ghosh, S., Chiu, G.N.G., and Hwang, W.Y.K. Mitochondrial superoxide reduction & cytokine secretion skewing by carbon nanotube scaffolds enhance ex vivo expansion of human cord blood hematopoietic progenitors. Nanomedicine, 11, 1643-1656 (2015)

Kilroy, G., Carter, L.E., Newman, S., Burk, D.H., Manuel, J., Moller, A., Bowtell, D.D., Mynatt, R.L., Ghosh, S. and Floyd, E. The ubiquitin ligase Siah2 regulates obesity-induced adipose tissue inflammation. Obesity, 23, 2223-2232 (2015)

Ghosh, S., Vivar, J., Nelson, C.P., Willenborg, C., Segre, A.V., Makinen, V.P., Nikpay, M., Erdmann, J., Blankenberg, S., O’Donnell, C., Marz, W., Laaksonen, R., Stewart, A.F., Epstein, S.E., Shah, S.H., Granger, C.B., Hazen, S.L., Kathiseran, S., Reilly, M.P., Yang, X., Quertermous, T., Samani, N.J., Schunkert, H., Assimes, T.L., and McPherson, R. Systems genetics analysis of genome-wide association study reveals novel associations between key biological processes and coronary artery disease. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology,35,1712-1722 (2015)

Rasheed, S.A.K., Teo, C.R., Beillard, E.J., Voorhoeve, P.M., Zhou, W., Ghosh, S., and Casey, P. MicroRNA-31 controls G protein alpha-13 (GNA13) expression and cell invasion in breast cancer cells. Molecular Cancer, 14, 67 (2015); doi:10.1186/s12943-015-0337-x

Rankinen, T., Sarzynski, M.A., Ghosh, S. and Bouchard, C. Are there genetic paths common to obesity, cardiovascular disease outcomes and cardiovascular risk factors? Circulation Research, 116, 909-922 (2015); doi:10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.302888

De Silva, D., Kunasegaran, K., Ghosh, S., and Pietersen, A.M. Transcriptome analysis of mammary epithelial hormone-sensing cells reveals dynamic changes in early pregnancy. BMC Developmental Biology, doi 10.1186/S12861-015-0058-9 (2015)

Kim, H., Cho, H., Alexander, R., Patterson, H.C.,Gu, M., Lo, K.A., Xu, D., Goh, V.J., Nguyen, L.N., Chai, X., Huang, C.X., Kovalik, J.P., Ghosh, S., Trajkovski, M., Silver, D.L., Lodish, H., and Sun, L. MicroRNAs are required for the feature maintenance and differentiation of brown adipocytes. Diabetes, July 2014, DOI 10.2337/db14-0466 (2015)


Kitsy, A., Carney, S., Vivar, J.C., Knight, M.S., Pointer, M.A., Gwathmey, J.K. and Ghosh, S. Effects of leucine supplementation and serum withdrawal on branched-chain amino acid pathway gene and protein expression in mouse adipocytes. PLoS One9(7), e102615 DOI :10.1371/journal.pone.0102615 (2014)

Beauchamp, B., Ghosh, S., Dysart, M., Kanaan, G., Chu, A., Blais, A., Rajamanickam, K., Tsai, E., Patti, M.E. and Harper, M.E. Low birth weight is associated with adiposity, impaired skeletal muscle energetics and weight-loss resistance in mice. International Journal of Obesity, PMID 25091727; doi: 10.1038/ijo.2014.120 (2014)

Makinen, V., Civelek, M., Meng, Q., Zhang, B., Zhu, J., Levian, C., Huan, T., Segre, A.V., Ghosh, S., et al. Integrative Genomics Reveals Novel Molecular Pathways and Gene Networks for Coronary Artery Disease. PLOS Genetics, 10(7):e1004502 DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004502 (2014)

Ghosh, S., Wanders, D., Stone, K.P., Van, N.T., Cortez, C.C, and Gettys, T.W. A systems biology analysis of the unique and overlapping transcriptional responses to caloric restriction and dietary methionine restriction in rats. FASEB J., 28(6),2577-2590 PMID 24571921 (2014)

Wanders, D., Ghosh, S., Stone, K.P., Van, N.T., and Gettys, T.W. Transcriptional impact of dietary methionine restriction on systemic inflammation: Relevance to biomarkers of metabolic disease during aging. Biofactors, 40, 13-26 (2014) DOI 10.1002/biof.1111

Yim, D.G.R., Ghosh, S., Guy, G.R. and Virshup, D.M. Casein Kinase 1 regulates Sprouty2 in FGF-ERK signaling. Oncogene, DOI 10.1038/onc.2013.564 (2014)


Vivar, J.C., Pemu, P.E., McPherson, R., and Ghosh, S. Redundancy Control in Pathway Databases (ReCiPa): An Application for Improving Gene-Set Enrichment Analysis in Omics Studies and “Big Data” Biology. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 17, 414-422 (2013)

Hasek, B., Boudreau, A., Shin, J., Feng, D., Hulver, M., Van, N., Laque, A., Stewart, L.K., Stone, K.P., Wanders, D., Ghosh, S., Pessin, J., and Gettys, T.W. Remodeling the integration of lipid metabolism between liver and adipose tissue by dietary methionine restriction in rats. Diabetes,62(10):3362-72 (2013)DOI 10.2337/db13-0501

Ghosh, S., Vivar, J.C., Sarzynski, M.A., Sung, Y.J., Timmons, J.A., Bouchard, C. and Rankinen, T. Integrative Pathway Analysis of a Genome-Wide Association Study of VO2max Response to Exercise Training. Journal of Applied Physiology, 115, 1343-1359 (2013)doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01487.2012


Van Greevenbroek, M.M., Ghosh, S., van der Kallen, C.J., Brouwers, M.C., Schalkwijk, C.G. and Stehouwer, C.D. Up-regulation of the Complement System in Subcutaneous Adipocytes from Nonobese, Hypertriglyceridemic Subjects is Associated with Adipocyte Insulin Resistance. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 97, 4742-4752 (2012)

Pemu, P.E., Anderson, L., Gee, B.E., Ofili, E.O., and Ghosh, S. Early Alterations of the Immune Transcriptome in Cultured Progenitor Cells from Obese African-American Women. Obesity, 20, 1481-1490 (2012)


Ghosh, S., Dent, R., Harper, M.E., Stuart, J., and McPherson, R. Blood gene expression reveal pathway differences between diet-sensitive and resistant obese subjects prior to caloric restriction. Obesity, 19, 457-463 ( 2011)


Ghosh, S., Dent, R., Harper, M.E., Gorman, S.A., Stuart, J.S., and McPherson, R. Gene expression profiling in whole blood identifies distinct biological pathways associated with obesity. BMC Medical Genomics, 3:56doi:10.1186/1755-8794-3-56 (2010)(Highly Accessed Article)

Gerrits, M.F., Ghosh, S., Kavaslar, N., Hill, B., Tour, A., Seifert, E.L., Beauchamp, B., Gorman, S., Stuart, J., Dent, R., McPherson, R., and Harper, M.E. Distinct skeletal muscle fiber characteristics and gene expression in diet-sensitive vs diet-resistant obesity. Journal of Lipid Research, 51, 2394-2404 (2010)

Wagner, J.A., Prince, M., Wright, E.C., Ennis, M.M., Kochan, J., Nunez, D.J.R., Schneider, B., Wang, M.D., Chen, Y., Ghosh, S., Musser, B.J., and Vassileva, M.T.. The Biomarkers Consortium: Practice and Pitfalls of Open-Source Precompetitive Collaboration. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 87, 539-542 (2010)


Petremand, J., Bulat, N., Butty, A.C., Poussin, C., Rutti, S., Au, K., Ghosh, S., Mooser, V., Thorens, B., Yang, J.Y., Widmann, C., and Waeber, G. Involvement of 4E-BP1 in the protection induced by HDLs on pancreatic beta cells. Mol. Endocrinol., 23, 1572-1586 (2009)

Wagner, J.A., Wright, E.C., Ennis, M.M., Prince, M., Kochan, J., Nunez, D.J.R., Schneider, B., Wang, M.D., Chen, Y., Ghosh, S., Musser, B.J., and Vassileva, M. Utility of Adiponectin as a Biomarker Predictive of Glycemic Efficacy is Demonstrated by Collaborative Pooling of Data from Clinical Trials Conducted by Multiple Sponsors. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 86, 619-625 (2009)


Chouinard, M.D., Chung, W.K., Chevre, J.C., Watson, E., Yonan, J., Wiegand, B., Bromberg, Y., Wakae, N., Wright, C.V., Overton, J., Ghosh, S., Sathe, G.M., Ammala, C., Brown, K.K., Ito, R., LeDuc, C., Solomon, K., Fischer, S.G. and Leibel, R.L.. Positional Cloning of “Lisch-like”, a  Candidate Modifier of Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Mice. PLOS Genetics, 4, e1000137 (2008)


Ghosh, S., Watson, M.A., and Collins, J.L. The Relative Transcription Index: A Global Gene Expression Metric for Efficient Prioritization of Drug Candidates. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 10, 239-245 (2007)

Strum, J.C., Shehee, R., Virley, D., Richardson, J., Mattie, M., Shelley, P., Ghosh, S., Nock, C., Saunders, A., and Roses, A. Rosiglitazone Induces Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Mouse Brain. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 11, 45-51 (2007)

Vardhanabhuti, S., Blakemore, S.J, Clark, S.M, Ghosh, S., Stephens, R.J., and Rajagopalan, D. A Comparison of Statistical Tests for Detecting Differential Expression Using Affymetrix Oligonucleotide Microarrays. Omics, 10, 555-566 (2007)


Liu, C., Ghosh, S., Searls, D.B., Saunders, A.M., Cossman, J. and Roses, A.D.  Clusters of Adjacent and Similarly Expressed Genes across Normal Human Tissues Complicate Transcriptomic Discovery. Omics, 9, 351-363 (2006)

Das, S.K., Chatterjee, D., Mukherjee, S., Grimes, A., Shen, Y., Smith, M. and Ghosh, S. Decrease in brain POMC mRNA expression and onset of obesity in guinea pigs exposed to 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide, a mustard analogue. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 339, 55-68 (2006)


Kelly, D. J. and Ghosh, S. RNA profiling for biomarker discovery: Practical considerations for limiting sample sizes. Disease Markers, 21, 43-48 (2005)


Johnson, E. N., Appelbaum, E.R., Carpenter, D.C., Cox, R.F., Disa, J., Foley, J.J., Ghosh, S., Naselsky, D.P., Pullen, M.A., Sarau, H.M., Scheff, S.R., Steplewski, K.M., Zaks-Zilberman, M., and Aiyar, N. Neuromedin U elicits cytokine release in murine Th2-Type T cell clone D10.G4.1.  Journal of Immunology, 173. 7230-7238 (2004)

Parton, L., Diraison, F., Neil, S., Ghosh, S., Rubino, M., Bisi, J., & Briscoe, C. Impact of PPAR gamma overexpression and activation on pancreatic islet gene expression profile analysed with oligonucleotide microarrays. American Journal of  Physiology, Endocrinology & Metabolism, 287, E390-E404 (2004)


Liu, L., Hawkins, D.M., Ghosh, S., & Young, S.S. Robust singular value decomposition analysis of microarray data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 100, 13167-13172. (2003)

Ghosh, S., Moore, S., Bell, R. M. & Dush, M. Functional analysis of a phosphatidatic acid binding domain in human Raf-1 kinase: mutations in the phosphatidate binding domain lead to tail and trunk abnormalities in developing zebrafish embryos. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 45690-45696. (2003)


Ghosh, S.& Bell, R. M. Liposomes:Applications in protein-lipid interaction studies. Methods in Molecular Biology 199, 49-60.( 2002)

Liu, L., Hawkins, D.M., Ghosh, S., & Young, S. S. Robust Singular Value Decomposition Analysis of Microarray Data. National Institute of Statistical Sciences Technical Report 123, (2002)


Swamy, N., Ghosh, S., Schneider, G. B. & Ray, R. Baculovirus-expressed vitamin D-binding protein-macrophage activating factor (DBP-maf) activates osteoclasts and binding of 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) does not influence this activity. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 81, 535-546. (2001)


Daniel, L. W., Sciorra, V. A. &Ghosh, S. Phospholipase D, tumor promoters, proliferation and prostaglandins. BiochimicaetBiophysicaActa 1439, 265-276. (1999)

Improta-Brears, T., Ghosh, S.& Bell, R. M. Mutational analysis of Raf-1 cysteine rich domain: requirement for a cluster of basic aminoacids for interaction with phosphatidylserine. Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry 198, 171-178. (1999)


Basu, S. S., Dastgheib, S., Basu, M., Kelly, P., Ghosh, S.& Basu, S. Purification and characterization of avian glycolipid:beta-galactosyltransferases (GalT-4 and GalT-3) : cloning and expression of truncated beta GalT-4. ActaBiochimicaPolonica 45, 451-467. (1998)


Ghosh, S., Strum, J. C. & Bell, R. M. Lipid biochemistry : Functions of glycerolipids and sphingolipids in cellular signaling. The FASEB Journal 11, 45-50. (1997)

Ghosh, S.& Bell, R. M. Regulation of Raf-1 kinase by interaction with the lipid second messenger, phosphatidic acid. Biochemical Society Transactions 25, 561-567. (1997)

Quest, A. F., Ghosh, S., Xie, W. Q. & Bell, R. M. DAG second messengers: molecular switches and growth control. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 400A, 297-303.

Swamy, N., Ghosh, S.& Ray, R. Bacterial expression of human vitamin D-binding protein (GC2) in functional form. Protein Expression and Purification 10, 115-122. (1997)


Ghosh, S., Strum, J. C., Sciorra, V. A., Daniel, L. W. & Bell, R. M. Raf-1 kinase possesses distinct binding sites for phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid : Phosphatidic acid regulates the translocation of Raf-1 in 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-stimulated Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 271, 8472-8480. (1996)

Mott, H. R., Carpenter, J. W., Zhong, S., Ghosh, S., Bell, R. M. & Campbell, S. L. The solution structure of the Raf-1 cysteine-rich domain : A novel Ras and phospholipid binding site. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 93, 8312-8317. (1996)


Brtva, T. R., Drugan, J. K., Ghosh, S., Terell, R. S., Campbell-Burk, S., Bell, R. M. & Der, C. J. Two distinct Raf domains mediate interaction with Ras. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 9809-9812. (1995)

Ghosh, S., Basu, S. S., Strum, J. C., Basu, S. & Bell, R. M. Identification of conditions that facilitate the expression of GST fusions as soluble, full-length proteins. Analytical Biochemistry 225, 376-378. (1995)

Ghosh, S., Kyle, J. W., Dastgheib, S., Daussin, F., Li, Z. & Basu, S. Purification, properties and immunological characterization of GalT-3 (UDP-galactose: GM2 ganglioside, beta 1-3 galactosyltransferase) from embryonic chicken brain. Glycoconjugate Journal 12, 838-847. (1995)


Ghosh, S., Xie, W. Q., Quest, A. F. G., Mabrouk, G. M., Strum, J. C. & Bell, R. M. The cysteine-rich region of Raf-1 kinase contains zinc, translocates to liposomes, and is adjacent to a segment that binds GTP-Ras. Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 10000-10007. (1994)

Ghosh, S.& Bell, R. M. Identification of discrete segments of human Raf-1 kinase critical for high-affinity binding to Ha-Ras. Journal of Biological Chemistry 269, 30785-30788. (1994)


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Ghosh, S., Basu, S. S. & Basu, S. Cloning of a beta 1-4 galactosyltransferase from embryonic chicken brain and comparison to its mammalian homologs. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 186(2), 1215-1223. (1992)

Basu, M., Hawes, J. W., Li, Z., Ghosh, S., Khan, F. A., Zhang, B. J. & Basu, S. Biosynthesis in vitro  of SA-Lex and SA-diLex by alpha 1-3 fucosyltransferases from colon carcinoma cells and embryonic brain tissues. Glycobiology 1, 527-535.


Ghosh, S., Lee, S., Brown, T. A., Basu, M., Hawes, J. W., Davidson, D. & Basu, S. Use of exoglycosidases from Mercenariamercenaria (Hard-shelled clam) as a tool for structural studies of glycosphingolipids and glycoproteins. Analytical Biochemistry 196, 252-261. (1991)

Basu, M., Hawes, J.W., Li, Z., Ghosh, S., Khan, F.A., Zhang, B.J., and Basu, S. Biosynthesis in vitro of SA-Lex and SA-diLex by alpha 1-3 fucosyltransferases from colon carcinoma cells and embryonic brain tissues. Glycobiology, 1, 527-535 (1991)


Basu, S., Ghosh, S., Basu, M., Hawes, J. W., Das, K. K., Zhang, B. J., Li, Z., Weng, S. &Westervelt, C. Carbohydrate and hydrophobic-carbohydrate recognition sites (CARS and HY-CARS) in solubilized glycosyltransferases. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 27, 386-395. (1990)

Ghosh, S., Das, K. K., Daussin, F. & Basu, S. Effect of a fatty acid moiety of phospholipid and ceramide on purified GalT-3 (UDP-Gal: GM2 beta 1-3 galactosyltransferase) from embryonic chicken brain. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 27, 379-385. (1990)



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